In case you're wondering why i'm not producing the font entirely on computer, I discovered that I actually need to buy the software in order to export font files. Additionally, I believe this may get me more marks. I do still need appropriate software to convert my bitmap images in to font files, and to smooth out any rough edges, but overall despite being more time consuming, I prefer the method of producing fonts. Mainly because I can focus on drawing a lot longer than I can focus on pixels.
Additionally you may also notice that the image is a little bit chopped up. This is because for some characters, I couldn't produce the glyph first time and had to scrap it and start again. Chopping it up and removing the duds just gives me a better overall picture of what the font looks like as a whole.
Finally, this isn't all I'll be doing before producing the font, I aim to get feedback from a diverse group of subjects and then take their feedback into account and produce larger versions of each character so that when it is finally scanned in, the resolution will be higher and therefore it will be easier to manipulate in illustrator.
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